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「近悅遠來 百國Homestay-中華民國建國一百年國際青年周」

「近悅遠來 百國Homestay-中華民國建國一百年國際青年周」




2011年「台灣綠會展 豐饒永傳唱」躍升會議獎-銅質獎


2010年「台灣會展 綻放九九」躍升會議獎-銅質獎







「2007 APEC第29次運輸工作小組會議」

「2006 台灣與中美洲友邦環境部長會議」






2012第二十一屆國際科技管理研討會(IAMOT 2012)

國立清華大學科技管理研究所 洪世章所長


The International Association for Management of Technology (IAMOT) President, Dr. Yasser Hosni
On behalf of the International Association for Management of Technology (IAMOT), I would like to extend my sincere appreciation for hosting the 21st Annual International Conference for MOT (IAMOT 2012). By all measures the conference was a great success. It was very informative and well organized. I received a lot of positive feedback from many of the conference participants.
IAMOT would like to recognize the extraordinary organization of Dr. Dr. Yuan-Chieh Chang, Dr. Johnsee Lee, Dr. Chin-Tay Shih, Dr. Furen Lin, the Conference local and secretariat committees, and the students and administrators of the National Tsing Hua University, for their hard work and contributions to the success of the conference.
I am sure that through such events the world will become more integrated and prosperous.
Thanks again and looking forward to more cooperation.
Dr. Yasser Hosni, PE
The International Association for Management of Technology (IAMOT)

第二十三屆亞太婦產科醫學會(AOCOG 2011)

Dear Secretariat of AOCOG 2011,
Would like to thank you for your support and co-operation towards successful holding of AOCOG.The Congress provided us an opportunity to interact with participants from different countries and also update ourselves with scientific advancements. The overall management was excellent. The support and co-operation of the support staff is laudable. The food was great. Enjoyed the cultural programme. We had a great time at Taipei .Please convey my best regards for all those at the secretariat for making the event a memorable one.
All the Best.
Dr.Mariam Faruqui (Shati)

2008全球不動產經紀高峰會(2008 REBS)
台北市不動產仲介經紀商業同業公會 許雪紅總幹事
第33屆國際婦女泌尿醫學會年會(IUGA 2008)    
財團法人台灣婦女健康暨泌尿基金會(FWHUT)蘇聰賢理事長 IUGA2008是第一次在亞洲召開的世界級婦女泌尿醫學年會,本基金會為審慎辦好此次年會,經過嚴格評審,選出圓桌會議顧問公司協助辦理,IUGA2008籌備執行期間,該公司不僅盡心盡力全程推動我們所交付的任務,更在籌備期間提出多項可執行的新創意,例如:網路影音專欄(首開網路專訪傳播)、國際行銷文宣(多次協助赴日、韓及大陸宣傳)、報名接待作業(會期因辛樂克颱風來襲之應變接待作法)、多元節目演出(重視台灣文化之表現與傳承)、緊急應變方案(因颱風來襲之歡迎晚宴場地應變處理)等。  

Dear Secretariat:
The 7th IOHA Conference of all previous 3 that I attended, the Taipei one was OUTSTANDING!! It was the first conference where even the Head of State the President of the Republic and a Government Minister participated in welcoming the International delegates.
Excellent organization, all appropriate information was provided to the delegates from the moment one registered, all through to this very moment!! Just incredible that you even thought of a map on arrival on were to obtain a Bus Ticket and the Hotels etc.
Please convey my appreciation and gratitude to Professor, the Committee President, the Masterof Ceremony and all the Team for a job well done.
Thank Taipei for a fabulous hospitality, most appreciated.

Best regards,
Michael T. Mashingaidze, MSc, BSc (Hon), OHNC, RN.

Saudi Aramco, Senior Occupational Hygienist.


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